What Happened to my Audiobook?

Philip HarrisGlitch Mitchell, Indie PublishingLeave a Comment

Glitch Mitchell and the Unseen Planet was my first full length indie publication. It grew out of an idea to recreate the episodic structure of the old Flash Gordon serials that I used to watch growing up. It’s a fun book, and it has its fans. You can still get it on Kindle. What you can’t do, anymore is get it as an audiobook.

March 2024 Writing Update

Philip HarrisWritingLeave a Comment

As I’ve previously rambled on about, last year was not a productive one for my personal writing, and I set out to have a much better 2024. And so far I’m being successful.

Sunday Snippet – 25th February 2024

Philip HarrisWritingLeave a Comment

Otto was partying when the zombies arrived. He was in the garden of his Hollywood Hills mansion surrounded by some of the biggest names in entertainment. The ones that mattered to him, anyway. A DJ pounded out the tunes while half a dozen wannabe models circulated with tiny pieces of food with names that Otto couldn’t pronounce. The guests fawned over each other, piling on the hyperbolic praise and the false modesty. It was Hollywood at its most fake, and Otto loved it all.

My 2023 – Movies

Philip HarrisChatter, MoviesLeave a Comment

I’m a real sucker for tracking things. Books I read, movies and TV shows, theatre trips, concerts… Everything gets logged somewhere.

So, when I discovered the movie tracking app, Letterboxd, it was a match made in movie heaven.

A Year of Not Writing

Philip HarrisWritingLeave a Comment

Last year was pretty much a complete bust when it came to personal writing. I did a lot of very cool writing in my day job, but I managed a mere 10,485 words on my own projects. That’s the lowest since I started tracking wordcounts in 2012.

Farewell Twitter

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

I don’t have a massive social media presence. I’ve slowly abandoned Facebook bar the occasional personal post, I’m on Instagram (I think) and I have an unused TikTok account, but Twitter was the one place I visited regularly. I didn’t Tweet a lot but I did a bit of signal boosting and retweeting. But like so many other people, I’m leaving for bluer skies.

“Everyone is laughing but me”

Philip HarrisMusicLeave a Comment

I’m surprised I haven’t already posted this because it’s one of my favourite songs but I’m going to fix that right now. It’s also a pretty depressing song which to be honest is probably part of why I like it so much.