Quote of the Month – July

Philip HarrisBooks, ChatterLeave a Comment

I’ve known you since you were a little girl, Rachel, and I’ve trained you to become one of us. You’re like a daughter to me. Fuck this up and I will gut you like a fish and feast on your entrails. Good luck!

Meet Perlo

Philip HarrisCatsLeave a Comment

My wife and I are currently fostering this little guy. His name’s Perlo. He’s originally from Saudi Arabia and had to have reconstructive surgery on his jaw when he was younger. Perlo claims it was because he was attacked by a desert fox, but I think it’s far more likely that it was to change his identity so that he could smuggle $2 billion worth of diamonds out of the country.

Quote of the Month – May

Philip HarrisBooks, ChatterLeave a Comment

“When you jump off a cliff, is it better to land on jagged rocks or burning lava? I know this one. The answer is obvious: It doesn’t matter where you land. You just jumped off a cliff.” from Sandman Slim by Richard Kadrey

Five for Five

Philip HarrisMoviesLeave a Comment

Movie poster for the film, Furiosa.

I remember watching the first Mad Max film very clearly. My dad had rented it for me and although he didn’t really “get it”, I loved it. The next week we watched the second film, and I was a certified Mad Max fanboy.

Sunday Snippet – 5th May 2024

Philip HarrisWritingLeave a Comment

The children were the first to spot The Memory Man. Gillian was playing catch with her older brother when the discordant chimes echoed across the valley. Immediately, she dropped the ball and ran back toward their home. She was old enough now, almost seven, and her father had promised. He’d promised!

Quote of the Month – April

Philip HarrisBooks, ChatterLeave a Comment

“We gather in huge cities of concrete and steel, belching exhaust fumes into the sky and filling our nights with so much light that even the stars can’t compete. We’ve forgotten fear.”

So Far, So Good

Philip HarrisBooks, Serial Killer Z2 Comments

I’m currently running a sale on all three of the Serial Killer Z books (discounting them from $4.99 to 99c/99p or whatever the equivalent is in your part of the world).

The sale really kicked off on Sunday and so far, the results have been great.

Sunday Snippet – 28th April 2024

Philip HarrisWritingLeave a Comment

The dead man lunged across the road toward me, too-white teeth clacking as they chewed at imaginary flesh. Its eyes were sharklike black orbs, and they tracked me as I moved. Its right foot had been crushed and was dragging behind the zombie, slowing it down. Rancid breath laced with the smell of carrion and blood washed over my face and caught in my throat.

Big Serial Killer Z Sale

Philip HarrisBooks, Serial Killer Z1 Comment

Covers of the three Serial Killer Z books. Serial Killer Z, Sanctuary, and Shadows

If you subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Bluesky, you’ll know that a few weeks ago I was due to run a Bookbub promotion on the first Serial Killer Z book. Bookbub promos are a) very hard to get and b) very expensive. Which made it particularly annoying when technical difficulties at Amazon prevented me from discounting the book, meaning the promo automatically got cancelled, leaving me hundreds of dollars out of pocket.