Do(ugh)nut Friday

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

Five delicious donuts

I had a movie ready for this week then didn’t get it set up in time. Instead, here’s a picture of today’s do(ugh)nuts from Mello in Vancouver. Until next time. … Read More

SKZ4 – Draft Zero

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

It’s been a while since I posted here. I’ve been distracted by a bunch of things including: The Vancouver Half-Marathon Google Home Rain A Quiet Place Work Alexa Sandman Slim … Read More

And We’re Back

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

The site has been moved to its new hosting company now which should solve the downtime issues I’ve been having. Hopefully all the links etc. are working but if you see … Read More

Technical Difficulties

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

My site has been running into a lot of issues this year. There’s a problem with the server hardware that means the site disappears randomly for 10-15 minutes. It’s usually … Read More

Farewell, 2017

Philip HarrisChatter2 Comments

So that was 2017. What a year. The world continues to try to tear itself apart – insane weather, mass shootings, racism, and sexual assault dominate the news, and avoiding … Read More