Still Alive

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

Yes, I am still alive. It’s been a hectic three weeks of travel, reading, gaming, movies, running, theater and day job and I’m only just coming back up for air. Now … Read More

Happy New Year 2012

Philip HarrisChatter, Writing2 Comments

So, here it is…2012. I’m a pretty goal oriented person so I don’t really focus on New Year as a specific time for resolutions (apart from a standing “eat better” … Read More

So That Was Christmas

Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

Okay, so I guess technically we’re still in the afterglow of Christmas and the twelve days have only just started but I’m already back in the office, working at the day … Read More


Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

Not a good day today – hence the late post. I decided to go running this morning but picked a route that was longer and tougher than I should have … Read More


Philip HarrisChatterLeave a Comment

I’ve been battling a cold for the last couple of days which has sidetracked any writing I was planning on doing. On the plus side, working from home did allow … Read More