Wet and Grey

Philip HarrisStories, The Ghost SmugglerLeave a Comment

It’s another very wet and grey day in Vancouver. I guess no snow is a good thing but still, I’ve had enough of the rain.

So, what’s being going on. Ah yes, Tuesday was tying-up-loose-ends day. I finished the final drafts of a couple of stories – the horticultural science fiction tale, F Bomb, and a piece of flash fiction that could be a poem instead called On the Finding of the Body. Body as I like to call it, was actually written at some point last year and was inspired by Amanda Palmer’s Who Killed Amanda Palmer album. I think originally I was going to submit it to one of her websites but I never got round to it. Anyway, I tweaked it a little bit and moved it to the glorious Finished folder.

Tuesday was also the day that the critique of The Ghost Smuggler arrived from Jeff VanderMeer. He’s provided lots of great feedback and some very insightful comments and suggestions. Now I just need to work out what to do with it all.

In the evening submitted I four more stories including BodyF Bomb will go out later this week.

Wednesday morning was mostly filled with writing but it was for my day job. I put together a 500(ish) word non-fiction article as part of the pitch for a side project that we’re hoping to release early next year. On Thursday one of the Technical Directors on my team is going to start building the actual prototype. It was fun to write, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everyone likes it so that we can do some more. Then the day turned into one of those “bounce around the apartment not really doing anything” sort of days.

I’m hoping Thursday will be more productive.

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